Management of Change Module

The Management of Change Module from EHS Insight is designed to minimize risks associated with workplace changes. By providing a streamlined system for documenting, tracking, and communicating every step of the change process, this module ensures that all changes are managed efficiently and effectively. This comprehensive approach not only reduces the potential for errors but also helps maintain compliance with relevant regulations.

The module's intuitive interface allows for easy access to change documentation and real-time updates, fostering a proactive and transparent workplace environment. This leads to smoother transitions, enhanced safety, and a more resilient organizational structure.

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Management of Change

Overcome Obstacles with Management of Change

Preparation and communication go a long way. Use Management of Change procedures to ensure that organizational changes are made in a safe and controlled manner, without introducing new hazards or risks.

Outline the Best Plan of Action

Easily document the important details of the changes that will be made to put yourself in the best position possible to tackle the transition. Provide employees with the preparation, support, and skills they need to succeed in change.

Management of Change

The Benefits of EHS Insight's Management of Change Platform


Identify Hazards and Risks

Determine the impact. Establish more consistency in your change process. Use a fully customizable risk matrix to explore the potential impact of the change and identify any possible new hazards or risks that could result from it.

Ensure Proper Communication

Good communication is essential to implementing change successfully. Include everybody who will be involved in the change by adding users across departments, allowing for open and consistent communication throughout the entire process. Consult subject matter experts and increase participation.


Standardize your approach to change. Implementing change can affect other parts of the organization like documents, equipment, and processes. Follow up on these results by generating a variety of reports to better understand the change dynamics and identify patterns, allowing you to streamline your change processes for the future.

EHS Insight Saves Time, Saves Money, and Improves Safety Cultures

Ensure Consistency

EHS Insight's Management of Change software helps establish more consistency in the change process, increases participation and worker buy-in, tracks ability to ensure timely completion and ensures new hazards aren’t introduced. Our approach to managing workplace change isn’t overly complicated. Change management programs should be easy to set up and provide enough features to be effective without being overwhelming—and they shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg to implement.

Eliminate Negative Outcomes of Change

Workplace changes can be difficult to manage, especially with ineffective systems or processes for doing so. In fact, research from McKinsey & Company indicates that at least 70% of programs designed to manage change in the workplace fail due to a lack of management support and employee pushback. When managed poorly, even the most positive changes can result in a negative outcome. Ensure positive outcomes with EHS Insight's Management of Change platform.

Empower your workforce with EHS Insight.

As you elevate your workplace safety culture, you can rely on us. Over 500,000 users trust EHS Insight for improved team collaboration, accountability, and safety visibility.

When you team with us, we support your journey.

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