Safety Program Assessment and Evaluation Template

It’s that time of year again when companies all over the world are starting to think about creating safety goals for the coming year. It’s also that time of year when you remember that creating meaningful safety goals can really be a hassle.

If you’re like many people tasked with this activity, eventually you just fall back onto the old standby of establishing goals that simply reduce the number of recordable injuries and/or the incident rate and call it a day, with full intentions of finding more meaningful goals next year, when you have more time.

Sound familiar?

This year we’re going to give you some help with this process!

Your Very Own Safety Program Assessment and Evaluation Template

Establishing meaningful safety goals starts with performing an assessment on your safety program to help identify gaps or areas for improvement—but how do you do that? Where do you start? One way would be with our Safety Program Assessment and Evaluation Template.

With this template, you can perform a very basic assessment of the foundational items within your safety program, identifying areas for improvement. At the end of each section is the opportunity to tally a section score as well as an overall score at the very end of the template. In addition, for those companies who want to incorporate their annualized incident rate into the mix, there’s a section within the template that allows you to add points based on your incident rate.

As with most of our templates, you’re free to edit it how you like to make it truly customized for your needs. So, if you want to add or delete questions or change up the points assigned to each question—you can do that.

Start your year off on the right foot with a meaningful set of safety goals and use our new Safety Program Assessment and Evaluation Template to help you get there!

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