Workplace Health and Safety

Careers in Safety: Compensation and Outlook

How does your safety salary stack up in comparison to your peers? Here’s a look at the state of the safety profession and the job outlook for EHS pros.

You got into your career because you’re committed to safety, because you love making sure your colleagues can work safely each day and go home to their families. You know the essential skills of a safety professional and you know how to execute your duties to protect your colleagues.

But how much do you know about your profession as a whole?

For example, how much is the average safety salary? How long has the average professional been in the business? Why do they get into this career? Where do they work?

The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP), the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) and Readex Research just released a research project to understand compensation and job trends in the safety industry, and we think it’s time to take a closer look at trends in this valuable profession.

Professional Profile

Did you know that the average safety, health, and environment employee has worked in the field for 16 years? Most employee respondents were in the field between five to nine years and ten to fourteen years (17% each), but the median for the whole respondent group was 16 years.

Almost half (47%) of employed safety professionals supervise other staff, and about a third of all professionals work at the highest level of their organizations. Most respondents hold a title under the category Professional, followed by Director, Chief, and Department Head titles. In other words, most safety professionals aren’t just employees – they hold major leadership roles in their organizations.

Compensation and Benefits

It makes sense, then, why the median compensation for safety professionals is almost double that of the national average.

The average household income in the United States fluctuates based on your age, but hovers around $56,516. For most people, their peak earning range is between the ages of 40 and 49.

As of 2018, the median safety salary was $97,000. Most safety professionals (23%) had a base salary between $100,000 and $124,000, with the next highest group (17%) earning between $60,000 and $79,999 base pay.

You also earn more if you’re a full-time employee with at least one of the following 12 licenses or certifications:

  1. ASP
  2. CDGP
  3. CET
  4. CHMM
  5. CHMP
  6. CHST
  7. CIH
  8. CSP
  9. OHST
  10. SMS
  11. STSC
  12. STS

If you hold at least one of these certifications or licenses as a full-time safety employee, you typically earn $20,000 more than similarly qualified employees without that certification.

Of particular note is the BCSP’s CSP certification, which adds $13,000 to the median base pay for all safety professionals.

Job Outlook for EHS

So, what does this mean for the EHS job outlook? All told, the profession is doing well.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for safety professionals is projected to grow at 6% between 2018 and 2028, as fast as average for all occupations. Specialists will be in particular demand in government agencies and the private sector.

The bottom line? If you have a deep love of safety and the expertise to back it up, you’re looking at excellent employment opportunities.

The Tools Behind Successful Safety Professionals

Knowing your safety salary compared to the field is just one of the many ways to boost your success as a safety professional. For everything else, we’re here to provide tools that set you apart. We know the unique challenges facing safety professionals, which is why we develop EHS software to work for you.

For more safety tips, best practices, and industry trends, subscribe to the EHS Insight Blog.

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