If you spend an entire day observing the workplace behaviors of your team, how many safety issues do you think you would notice?
The answer is almost never zero.
Even the most safety conscious companies have employees who don’t always follow safety protocols. From inadequate training to sacrificing safety for the sake of speed to sheer negligence, team members don’t always follow safety procedures 100% of the time.
And even if they did, chances are you’ll discover actions that can be improved for the safety of everyone.
Safety observation software can play a crucial role in helping you record and learn from safety-related actions. With the right safety observation software, you can:
This level of responsiveness and transparency is imperative to the success of any safety program, and could be the difference between problem resolution or major safety incident.
Safety observation software offers a multitude of benefits, but the best software for your company depends on your needs. Here are a few key features to look for when choosing safety observation software:
If you don’t report safety observations immediately, you risk forgetting they occurred. Safety observation software can help prevent these actions from slipping through the cracks and give your safety program a chance to make a positive difference.
To learn more about reporting and tracking hazardous workplace conditions, visit EHS Insight Work Observations.
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