Winter Safety

EHS Software in Winter Risk Management

Discover how EHS software enhances safety and mitigates winter-related risks in construction and manufacturing, ensuring worker protection and operational efficiency.

It’s already well known that construction and manufacturing are among the most dangerous industries for workers. There are inherent safety dangers that employers must know about and mitigate as much as possible to keep workers protected. But in the winter, the risk of an accident or an injury in a construction or manufacturing setting increases. The cold and the elements can make an already dangerous job even more hazardous. 

The best solution to this is having EHS software in place that can help manage all of the health and safety risks that exist for construction and manufacturing companies. Of course, a formal safety system in place can help 12 months of the year. But given the added dangers during winter, EHS software should be considered a requirement for construction and manufacturing businesses. Let’s look at some of the safety risks winter weather brings to these industries and how EHS software can help mitigate those risks and manage workplace safety better. 

Winter Safety Risks 

Cold Weather Concerns 

There is no shortage of health and safety concerns when construction or manufacturing employees are asked to work outside in cold weather. The most obvious is cold stress and the exposure to cold temperatures. Extended exposure to cold temperatures can have an impact on body temperature, even if someone is always moving and feels warm. Even short-term exposure to cold temperatures, especially if there is a low wind chill, can cause cold stress, frostbite, and hypothermia.  

Extended periods in the cold can also inhibit someone’s ability to do their job. Someone’s hands and fingers can become cold and stiff in the cold, causing a loss in dexterity. Needless to say, this can disrupt the workflow and cause a decline in productivity. However, if hands lose feeling and dexterity in cold weather, it can also lead to the types of mistakes that lead to accidents. Plus, when someone starts to feel the effects of cold weather, they can become distracted and uncomfortable, which will also slow down productivity and make accidents more likely.  

Slip and Falls 

The possibility of someone slipping and falling also increases significantly while working outside in the cold. Ice and snow can easily build up in walkways and outdoor work areas, causing someone to lose their footing. Even if it’s not snowing at the moment, there can still be patches of ice and slick surfaces. Of course, there are ways to treat slippery surfaces to make them safer. But these methods don’t provide 100% assurance that there won’t be slips and falls outside during the winter. 

Even indoor workspaces are more prone to slips and falls during the winter. For example, manufacturing loading docks can often bring ice, snow, mud, and other slippery substances into the workplace. These locations are akin to working outdoors, so many of the same slip hazards exist. In fact, any entryway in a workplace can lead to slippery surfaces that employees may not be expecting, making them vulnerable to falls. 

Winter Driving 

There are always going to be winter driving hazards to worry about. Manufacturing companies often have company-owned vehicles on the road during all times of the year. The employees who drive these vehicles must take weather conditions into account and alter the way they drive to promote driving safety. It’s also up to companies to have their vehicles inspected and properly maintained so that they are safe to drive in less-than-ideal conditions. 

Vehicles on a construction site can face similar challenges during the winter. These vehicles need to be properly maintained so that they’re safe to use in cold weather and wintry conditions. It’s also a good idea to train drivers on how operating construction vehicles changes during the winter because extra precautions often need to be taken. Even when a business takes proper precautions, operating construction vehicles in cold and snowy conditions is always more challenging from a safety perspective. 

Winter Electrical Hazards 

Electrical hazards should always be taken seriously, but it’s also important to consider how those hazards could change during the winter. For instance, melting snow can sometimes create standing pools of water, which can create a new safety hazard if employees are plugging something into an outlet. Employees need to know to be on the lookout for water and be extra careful with electrical equipment.  

There is also likely to be more electrical devices being used during the winter months. For construction companies that are outside, extra lighting and tools are often required to combat the low levels of light and wintry conditions. That extra equipment shouldn’t be forgotten from an electrical standpoint. This is another way that electrical hazards tend to increase during the winter months. 

Mental Health Challenges 

No matter the industry, all companies need to be aware of the mental health challenges that exist during the winter. Of course, mental health should be a 12-month concern, but people tend to struggle more during the winter. For example, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a common ailment when there is less sunlight and shorter days. Whether employees are working outside or inside, this can be an issue that employers should watch out for and get ahead of if they can. 

It starts with knowing the signs of seasonal affective disorder. Those suffering from SAD tend to be more lethargic and distracted. This can lead to preventable accidents and injuries in the workplace. By spotting signs early, it’s possible to get someone the proper health. This is no different than normal mental health monitoring in the workplace, which is becoming more important. The key is teaching employees the signs of SAD, stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues so that they can keep an eye on themselves and their co-workers. It’s also important for employers to offer resources that can help. 

How ESH Software Can Help 

Schedule Extra Training 

One thing EHS software helps to do is make sure employees have proper safety training. The software can make sure that regular training sessions are scheduled. It can also track what employees have received specific training, helping ensure that everyone is up to date on the training they need. During the winter, it’s important to schedule extra safety training so that workers know about the additional risks and hazards created by winter weather and how they adjust their work habits accordingly. After all, if accidents and injuries are more common during the winter, it makes sense that additional training will need to be scheduled.  

Manage PPE 

EHS software is also useful for managing personal protective equipment (PPE). It tracks what equipment is needed for specific tasks and can manage the inventory of various types of PPE. Keep in mind that additional PPE is likely needed during the winter. Anyone working outside may require extra layers, winter gloves, earmuffs, goggles, and winter boots, among other types of PPE. It’s not safe for employees to work if they don’t have proper PPE, especially if they aren’t dressed to stay warm while working outside. Therefore, using EHS software to manage PPE is important for winter workplace safety.


Equipment Maintenance 

As mentioned, maintaining vehicles and other types of equipment so that they’re safe to use during the winter is an important part of addressing workplace hazards. There should be records kept of when a certain tool was last inspected and received proper maintenance. With EHS software, these records can be easily tracked, and the information available for everyone at any time. This will help any company stay up to date on routine maintenance and upkeep for all of its tools, equipment, and vehicles. 

Communicate with Employees 

Communication is always a critical part of workplace safety. This is particularly true in the winter when there are more hazards to worry about and more safety procedures employees need to know. The right EHS software can make it easier for employees to communicate with their supervisors. This helps to ensure that important information is passed along and nothing gets lost in translation.  

Monitor Weather 

The best types of EHS software can monitor weather conditions in real-time, which can be invaluable during the winter. This can keep supervisors well informed about changing weather conditions that could impact the well-being of employees. Certain weather conditions could force specific safety precautions while serious winter weather could make it unsafe for construction or manufacturing employees to be outside. If weather conditions become unsafe for any outside work, it’s best to know sooner rather than later, which makes monitoring weather on EHS software a great tool for any business. 

Winter-Specific Checklists 

It sounds simple enough, but creating safety checklists is one of the best ways to stay organized and keep workers safe. This can easily be accomplished with EHS Software, which can be used to create different lists for various tasks and for specific times of the year. This means a business can create winter-specific safety checklists that cover all of the new hazards and safety measures during the winter months. The more clear and specific a business can be when it comes to safety hazards and protocols, the better off it’ll be during the winter and all year round. 

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