
    The Importance of Ergonomics: Promoting Wellness in the Workplace

    Promote workplace ergonomics to improve employee health, reduce absenteeism, boost productivity, and save on costs, fostering a safer and more engaged work environment.

    For those who don’t know, October 12 is recognized as World Arthritis Day. This day is designed to raise awareness for the impact that various musculoskeletal diseases like arthritis have on people all over the world. People who live with arthritis can struggle to perform everyday tasks and can see their quality of life deteriorate because of the disease. Arthritis is also a disease that impacts people of all ages and all walks of life. 

    However, World Arthritis Day isn’t just about recognizing the hardships experienced by those living with arthritis. It can also be a good opportunity for employers to examine what they can do to help prevent workers from suffering workplace injuries or increasing their risk of developing arthritis. For most employers, the fight against arthritis begins with proper ergonomics. That’s why it’s important on World Arthritis Day – and every other day – for employers to understand the importance of promoting good ergonomic practices in the workplace. 

    Health Benefits 

    The most obvious reason to promote ergonomics in the workplace is because of the health benefits. Obviously, preventing musculoskeletal diseases like arthritis is a top priority. It’s often easy to overlook arthritis because it’s a long-term health concern that doesn’t exactly develop overnight. But once someone starts to show signs of arthritis, it can start to deteriorate their quality of life, which is why good ergonomic practices are so important. In other words, good ergonomics in the workplace is about the long-term rather than the short-term. 

    However, good ergonomics has short-term health benefits as well. Focusing on ergonomics can also prevent employees from over-exerting themselves, which can lead to muscle strains or ligament injuries. These are injuries that can prevent employees from being able to do their jobs or put them in considerable discomfort both at work and in their personal lives.  

    Ergonomic-friendly workstations will naturally help employees from straining their muscles, especially in their neck and back, which can be serious issues. There is also evidence that ergonomic-friendly workstations can have a positive impact on heart health, increase blood flow, and release tension. Needless to say, these are all contributing factors to the health of employees behind preventing arthritis and other long-term diseases.  


    Reduce Safety Hazards 

    Putting an emphasis on ergonomics and utilizing ergonomic-friendly workstations can also help to eliminate some of the health and safety hazards that exist in most workplaces. Some more traditional workstations might create hazards that are hard to spot but are creating unnecessary strain on employees. Making the transition to work areas that put more focus on ergonomics can make employees feel more comfortable and free of aches and pains they didn’t realize were a problem. 

    This can be as simple as having chairs and desks that are adjustable or having proper lighting in work areas. These are the types of minor changes that can make a big difference when it comes to the health and safety of employees. Naturally, it also helps to track workplace safety hazards using software from EHS Insight. This system can help monitor all safety hazards and mitigation techniques. It can also play a role in scheduling and conducting ergonomic assessments to help companies discover the best ways to improve ergonomics in the workplace and improve employee health and safety.  

    Reduce Absenteeism 

    If a company can reduce safety hazards and make employees healthier with good ergonomics, they can expect their absenteeism rates to go down. Obviously, employees who experience symptoms of arthritis or other musculoskeletal diseases are more likely to call in sick and miss time. Even if all workers experience aches and pains, that will necessitate the occasional sick day, many of which can be prevented by focusing more on workplace ergonomics.  

    However, good ergonomic practices can help reduce the need for employees to take sick days because their bodies are sore or they feel mental strain because of the daily grind. If more employees are showing up day after day, employees don’t have to worry about losing money or seeing sharp declines in productivity because employees are absent. In the long run, keeping absenteeism rates low is going to be good for business. Accomplishing this can be as simple as investing in ergonomic equipment and encouraging good work habits that protect employees from minor musculoskeletal injuries. 

    Happy and Engaged Employees 

    Promoting workplace economics can also be one way to make employees more engaged and more satisfied with their jobs. The simple fact that a company recognizes the importance of ergonomics and is taking steps to create an ergonomically friendly environment will have a positive impact on employee morale. They will know that the company is concerned with their well-being and wants what’s best for them. This will improve employee satisfaction because they will sense that their employer cares about them.  

    Also, don’t discount the satisfaction and morale boost that can happen when employees feel healthier. If workers don’t go home every day feeling tired and sore, they will feel better about the work they’ve done and excited to come back the next day. In turn, this makes employees more receptive to the company’s goals and more engaged with what the company is trying to accomplish. 


    Increased Productivity 

    Increasing productivity levels is often a key byproduct of making employees happier and more engaged at work. Of course, there are various ways to accomplish this, but placing an emphasis on ergonomics is one way to go about it. Workers who are more comfortable in the workplace and satisfied with their employer will be encouraged to work harder. They will have no problem going the extra mile for an employer that is going the extra mile for them. 

    Also, once employees grow accustomed to a more ergonomically friendly workstation, it will be easier for them to increase their productivity. These types of workstations will take away any discomfort that could slow down employees or force them to take more frequent breaks. This also means fewer distractions, helping employees stay focused on their jobs, which will also make them more productive on a daily basis, making an investment in safety and ergonomics worthwhile. 

    Improved Work Quality 

    In addition to employees becoming more productive in an ergonomically friendly environment, it’s also likely that the quality of their work will improve. The reasons for this are similar to the increase in productivity. If good ergonomics can eliminate aches and pains or distractions like fatigue, discomfort, and poor lighting, it’s easier for employees to stay focused and do their jobs better, not just faster. Minor mistakes that could have been blamed on an employee being a little uncomfortable or having subpar lighting can be eliminated. This will make employees more efficient while improving the overall quality of their work. Needless to say, that’s going to be good for business and make proper ergonomics look like a good investment. 

    Lower Turnover 

    Employees who are happy are not just more productive and produce quality work, they also stick around longer. In most industries, there are great benefits to being able to retain employees for the long term. Over time, the consistency and quality of somebody’s work will increase if they remain with the same company. Never mind the fact that they will continue to feel engaged and invested in the company the longer they stay. Don’t forget about the costs associated with having to recruit and onboard new employees if the current group of employees isn’t inspired to stay with the same employer. 

    Just like employees are more motivated to work harder if they are in an ergonomically friendly environment every day, they also will have no reason to pursue other job opportunities. There is a sense of loyalty that develops when employees notice that their employer is actively working to protect their health and best interests. Much like ergonomics is based largely on preventing long-term health issues, companies that pay close attention to ergonomics are often rewarded with long-term employees who show loyalty to the company and help keep the turnover rate low. 

    Save Money 

    Ultimately, ergonomics in the workplace can be just as critical to the bottom line as it is for the health and well-being of employees. As mentioned, reducing absenteeism and turnover while increasing productivity and quality are all good for the bottom line. The output created in these areas is likely to be far greater than the investment the company makes in creating ergonomically friendly workstations and promoting a safer work environment for everyone. This makes it a no-brainer that focusing on ergonomics is a good idea. 

    However, there are other hidden costs to consider. If a business can reduce work-related injuries or illnesses, it can also reduce healthcare costs that they might have to pay. They can also reduce the number of workers’ compensation claims that tend to be costly. In other words, there are so many ways that focusing on ergonomics in the workplace can save money. This is why it’s always worth investing in ergonomic practices, as well as tools like EHS Insight’s safety management software that can save money and create a safer workplace at the same time. 

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