EHS Software

Sustainability Integrates with EHS in the Workforce

Capitalizing on value from overlap of corporate sustainability and EHS professionals can benefit your business.

Corporate sustainability has become a hot topic over the last few years. For those unfamiliar with the term, it encompasses many aspects of a business such as environmental targets (reducing energy consumption or greenhouse gas emissions) with other efforts like supplier and product lifecycle management in order to create and measure value. Because of the nature of these issues, namely people and the environment, the worlds of sustainability and environmental, health and safety often overlap.

To be a professional in either of these specialized fields, a range of regulatory compliance and sustainability activities knowledge is required [1]. The similarities between the two careers can provide a valuable opportunity for shared skills and abilities to exist amongst professionals. The National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM) released a comprehensive portrait of the EHS and Sustainability Professional that highlights the common skill set required of both positions.

Here at EHS Insight we care about this research because it provides us with a better understanding of the professionals who are often involved in the purchasing, implementation, and championing of our EHS software. Also, as the fields of EHS and sustainability continue to weave a more connected web, our product diversifies and expands alongside to include features for corporate sustainability management.

For those interested in the profile of EHS and sustainability professionals, NAEM identified the follow highlights from their research:

  • While EHS leaders are accountable for a set of core compliance and pollution prevention programs, they are involved with, collaborate on, or influence the management of a broad range of activities with their organizations.
  • As EHS professionals advance through the organizational chart, their role becomes more strategic.
  • The EHS and sustainability skill set combines focused technical knowledge with business management acumen.
  • Communication skills are a critical competency at all levels of an EHS organization.
  • As integrators, EHS and sustainability professionals need to manage people as well as processes.
  • EHS and sustainability leaders are a highly educated group.
  • The most common educational background is in engineering or the sciences. Those in a managerial position are more likely to hold an MBA than those who are subject matter experts.

To learn more or purchase a copy of the full report visit:

[1] "NAEM Releases Comprehensive Portrait of the EHS and Sustainability Professional." NAEM Releases Comprehensive Portrait of the EHS and Sustainability Professional. 21 Jan. 2015. Web.

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