From basic data management to advanced integrations, these six software modules will make your safety system more useful and powerful than ever.
If you’re still using spreadsheets to manage your safety program, 2017 could be an exciting year for you. Upgrading to web-based safety software gives you the power to build a new system to your exact department needs without complicating things for you or your team.
How do you make the leap into a fully integrated software system that does everything you need it to do? Simple: think modules. Here are the six must-have modules for modern safety departments who want their organization to get ahead.
1. Audits and Inspections
Audits, inspections, and assessments are time-consuming and complex these days, but with an audit management component to your safety software, cut the time required in half. With audits and inspections, you'll have the benefit of generating an audit report with notes, action items, photos, and details in one click.
2. Incident Reporting
Avoiding safety-related incidents is priority number one. The incident management and avoidance module lets you track your injuries and illnesses in compliance with requirements on all levels. With increased ease of data collection and retrieval, insights on root causes and prevention come faster.
3. Nonconformance Management
When you can discover patterns and trends in nonconformance, you can fix problems more efficiently. Nonconformance management software enables your organization to improve with every corrective action and preventive action.
4. Sustainability Management
Gather even more data on waste production, carbon emissions, recycling, resource consumption and other factors related to sustainability. Sustainability reporting lets you track that data so you can easily measure performance and status with the end goal of improving your organization’s green factor.
5. Safety Training
Which employee needs more training, and what type of training does he/she need? Who’s compliant and who needs an update? Who’s not performing well on training sessions? The training tracking software measures your training and competency data so you can stay on top of employee safety and other regulatory requirements.
6. Work Observations
Are you learning from your team’s mistakes? Under the safety software solution, work observations help you track and report on hazardous conditions and behaviors so you can learn why they’re taking place. Identify hazards before they cause incidents.