In an industry that employs more than one million people in the U.S. alone¹, it’s important to get safety right.
Go ahead: ask anyone whose job it is to care about health and safety in the plastics industry. What’s Job #1? Most will immediately give you an answer like this: proper machinery operation. Here’s a short roundup of the most important issues at hand for EHS professionals who work in plastics.
Machine Guarding in Plastics Machinery
Inadequate machine guarding is important in any industry, but perhaps even more so in plastics processing, where machinery is especially complex. The combination of high temperatures, high voltage and a multitude of moving parts can potentially cause serious safety concerns.
Horizontal Injection Molding Machines
Thermoforming Machines
Of course, this is only an introduction to safety along the production line in plastics. For more information, consult the OSHA websites referenced below.
1. Safety and Health Topics: Plastics Industry. U.S. Department of Labor.
2. Machine Guarding: Thermoforming Machines. U.S. Department of Labor.
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