We are a species obsessed with data. We generate a mind-boggling 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every single day. Between our smartphones, wearables, and internet interaction, there’s an astonishing amount of information about us.
Now that data isn’t just limited to humans.
Whistle, a company that makes pet trackers, just launched a new wearable for pets. Here’s why it’s worth investing in.
First, though, you have to understand why even the most loving animals run away.
The truth is, love has little to do with it. Your dog might love you dearly and still try to run from you. Some dogs do it at the drop of a hat, some have Houdini skills when it comes to fences, and some do it without much rhyme or reason.
There are several reasons dogs may try to escape. Maybe they’re bored. Maybe they have too much energy. Maybe they have separation anxiety and try to chase you when you leave. Maybe they’re afraid of loud noises like thunder and try to run and hide, only to find that they can’t figure out the way home.
Either way, the net result is the same: dogs high-tailing it away from home.
Dogs (and cats) have a long history of running from their owners. That’s not new. Pet wearables are.
The rise of pet wearables can be traced to the rise of human wearables. Once we discovered all of the data we could collect about ourselves, pet owners (and entrepreneurs) began to wonder: what if we could collect the same data about our pets?
In some ways, pet wearables are a translation tool. Sure, human wearables give us access to information about our bodies, but unlike children, dogs and cats can’t communicate in our language. They can’t tell us about their day or how they’re feeling, and they certainly can’t call us if they get lost.
These days, pet wearables are changing the way that we look after our pets.
If a pet was left alone at home all day, owners of yesteryear had to resort to guessing games. They had no way of knowing their pet’s habits during the day without a babysitter, and they certainly didn’t have any way of checking their pet’s daily health beyond vet visits.
Pet wearables give owners access to information that they never had before. In much the same way we can track our own eating, sleeping, and fitness patterns, we can now track the same data in our pets.
And if a pet gets lost, wearables allow us to locate them right away, rather than calling on the whole neighborhood to launch a search.
Now, Whistle is determined to give pet wearables a much-needed update.
The newest versions of Whistle devices include features like GPS tracking, but they also include more in-depth tracking. Wearables can now track changes in licking and scratching to alert you if your pet might be sick.
Owners can also see a weekly heatmap of where their pet has been, as well as daily and weekly records of their pet’s trips.
It’s pet care, updated for 2019.
As a pet owner, your pet is like a family member. You want to make sure they’re happy, healthy, and safe. Pet wearables are one way that you can ensure your pet is always safe and sound, no matter how far you are from your best friend.