There are a lot of elements to consider when it comes to the evaluation of products. But one factor that can’t be overlooked is the safety of that product. There can be no chances taken when it comes to ensuring that a product is safe for customers to purchase and use. Naturally, the safety evaluation of products is a little more complicated than it might seem on the surface. That’s why we wanted to share what companies can do when evaluating a product from a safety perspective.
The most fundamental part of a safety evaluation is looking at the raw materials or ingredients used to create a product. Specifically, businesses will want to be aware of chemicals or toxic substances used in product creation. Keep in mind that this isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker. Many products require chemicals or hazardous substances during product creation. However, it’s critical to check that these substances are being used appropriately and in quantities that are safe. Likewise, customers have a right to know what substances have been used to make something, so all raw materials should be identified, measured, and accounted for properly.
Another key factor in product safety is making sure the product has been made according to the blueprints and other plans. Any deviation from the creation method that’s been approved could impact the safety of a product. If nothing else, there will be no assurance of a product’s safety if the exact blueprints and directions weren’t followed. This is why the safety of a product is contingent on matching that product against its blueprints.
This may be an abstract part of the process, but companies need to do their best to anticipate any long-term flaws in the product. Obviously, most products are going to seem perfect when they’re brand new. But are there parts of the product or ingredients that could deteriorate over time and impact its safety? This isn’t always easy, but companies need to at least make an effort to predict the long-term safety of products.
Naturally, in-house testing is an important part of product safety. Companies should always take the initiative when it comes to checking products from every possible angle before ensuring their safety for customers. As mentioned, conducting long-term safety testing should also be a part of this process so that companies understand how their product holds up over time.
Even if in-house testing is essential, it never hurts to bring a fresh set of eyes from outside the business into the equation. Using a third party to test the safety of products can create extra peace of mind when it comes to product safety. Testing from a third party can help to spot safety flaws or issues that may have been missed but can be fixed before the product gets into the hands of customers.
Just in case something goes wrong, it never hurts to have a recall plan in place for a product. Obviously, evaluating a product for safety reasons is all about preventing this situation. However, companies can use batch controls to help identify and isolate items that might need to be part of a recall while also planning out how they would handle that kind of situation ahead of time. When it comes to product safety, it’s all about planning ahead.
Finally, the safety of employees while manufacturing a product should also be part of the safety evaluation. If employees aren’t safe during the production process, something is wrong. Fortunately, there are systems in place like the safety management software offered by EHS Insight that can help in this area. Our system is designed to be proactive and plan ahead to prevent any serious safety issues before they occur.
If your company wants to take a more proactive approach to workplace safety, we want to help you make that happen, so reach out anytime!