EHS Insight 18.17 Release Notes
View the latest features in EHS Insight 18.17.

We're pleased to present EHS Insight 18.17.
New Features
New Module: Skills Management/Assessment
- Must have the Training Module enabled to utilize Skills
- The Skill Management Module provides reports that help show transparency into company-wide performance by displaying the various detailed Skill Statuses (e.g. Current, Missing, and Expired) by Business Entity, Person, Position, and Requirement. It also includes a Personnel Report to view a single employee's entire skill history and their status compared to assigned requirements. These reports assist Assessors in identifying gaps in requirements and analyzing overall organizational compliance.
- Process:
Create Skill Requirement -> Assign Skills -> Users request to be assessed for skill(s) via their Dashboard -> Skill is assessed via the Skill Assessment form -> Person passes or fails (no partial completion) -> Status is updated
- New Security Roles - Skill Workflow (new section)
- "My Skill - Access" - user has access to the My Skills dashboard
- "Skill Record - Access" - user has access to Skill Assessment forms and reports
- "Submit and Edit" - user can submit and edit Skill Assessment forms
- "Delete" - user can delete Skill Assessment forms
- "Skill Requirement - Edit" - user can edit the Skill Requirement backing list
- "My Skill - Access" - user has access to the My Skills dashboard
- New List - Skill Requirement - list of skills that can be assigned
- Title/Description fields
- Assignment grid
- Expiration
- Grace Period
- Prerequisites
- Assessment Tasks
- Title/Description fields
- New Reports
- Reports are only visible to users in the new 'Access' role for Skills
- These reports are the same as Training, but they are using Skills reports
- Noteworthy Report: Skill Assessment Request
- This is the only place to see who has requested to be assessed
- This is the only place to see who has requested to be assessed
- Reports are only visible to users in the new 'Access' role for Skills
New Module: Career Paths
- New Site Setting: Career Paths
- Careers Paths functions when both the Training Module and Skills Module are enabled
- When enabled
- Enables a Career Path list
- Displays "My Next Position Training" and "My Next Position Skill" dashboards and reports
- Enables a Career Path list
Work Observation Chart by Location or Category Reports
- User can now report, track and measure Work Observations by Location and Category
Work Observation Additional Excel Import Template Added
- Users can now select from our selection of recently added import templates
- Safe Behavior or Condition Template
- Unsafe Behavior or Condition
- Great Catch
- Management Site Visit
- Near Miss
- Safety Violation
- Advanced Template
- Safe Behavior or Condition Template
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