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    December 2, 2024

    Airport Safety

    Concerning safety and security, few places get as much attention as airports. After all, we know from history that the consequences can be dire when there are safety and security failures in an airport. As a result, there is a strong focus on airport security – as there should be – from both the people who work in airports and the people who visit airports. To gain a better understanding of both the importance and scope of airport safety, let’s take a deep dive into this topic and approach it from every possible angle. 

    Defining Airport Security 

    Airport security is much more of a broad term than people realize. Keep in mind that airports are more than just commercial terminals. There are tarmacs, airplane hangers, and other areas of an airport that the general public never sees. There are also events that the average person probably doesn’t anticipate that need to be considered for those concerned with airport security, including fires, debris, wildlife hazards, runway incursions, and countless safety hazards inside the terminal that are common in all places, including slips and falls. In other words, there are countless factors to consider concerning keeping both passengers and staff at airports safe. 

    Difference Between Safety and Security 

    On the topic of airport safety, it’s also important to make a distinction between safety and security. Most people understand the importance of airport security. This pertains to anything related to protecting people in an airport from unauthorized people or objects that are meant to harm others. This is why there is passenger and baggage screening at airports, as well as police and security officials who are looking out for malicious figures and suspicious activity. 

    Airport safety, on the other hand, aims to prevent unintentional or accidental occurrences that can threaten the health and safety of anyone in the airport. Obviously, strong airport security will make people feel safe while traveling. But airport safety goes beyond the security measures that we see at airports, making it all-encompassing of anything within an airport that could bring harm to someone. 

    Airport Safety Challenges 

    While the topic of airport safety is rather broad and can be considered an umbrella term, there are specific challenges and common issues faced by those in charge of airport safety. Here are several of the most common airport security challenges, some of which may not apply to ordinary passengers but still exist. 

    On-the-Ground Collisions 

    If you look outside the windows of an airport terminal, you’re bound to see a lot of vehicles. Airplanes are coming and going, but there are also other motorized vehicles transporting both people and luggage. Avoiding collisions between these vehicles is a part of airport safety. The people driving these vehicles need to be well-trained and vigilant at all times to avoid accidents. Such collisions are rare but do come with a high financial and human cost, which is why preventing them is a critical part of airport safety. 

    Distraction and Fatigue 

    These are two universal workplace safety challenges that also apply to airports. Any person who gets overly tired or distracted while doing their job is going to be prone to mistakes that can put others at risk of injury. Of course, pilots being fatigued is the biggest concern at airports. However, anyone driving a motorized vehicle inside or outside the terminal can get distracted or tired, potentially leading to an accident that could harm co-workers or their passengers. The same logic applies to food-service employees or customer service workers inside the airport terminal, albeit with the consequences likely being less serious. 


    Along those same lines, airport signage is of great importance. Just like most workplaces have signs that direct people to certain locations, warn people of other locations, and inform people of safety hazards, airports need to have adequate signage to point people in the right direction. Keep in mind that all airports are designed a little differently and are often filled with people who have never been there before. The signs in airports need to make it clear to people where they need to go and places where they shouldn’t go. Otherwise, both passengers and staff can get confused or distracted, potentially leading to accidents that could have been prevented. 

    Runway Excursion 

    A jetliner going off the runway is easily the biggest safety threat at airports. Whether the pilot makes a mistake, there is a malfunction with the plane, or weather plays a role in the error, everyone on the plane, on the ground, and in the terminal is at risk when there is a runway excursion. Obviously, it can be hard to predict when a serious runway excursion will take place. However, those in charge of airport safety need to be prepared for one and ensure that airport employees know what to do if one were to occur so that they can protect themselves and any civilians in the area. 

    Poor Weather 

    Weather is always a challenge for airports, but not just for airlines trying to get planes off the ground. Those in charge of managing airport safety need to be concerned with poor weather conditions. Bad weather can lead to traffic accidents while people are entering and exiting the airport. It can also lead to slippery sidewalks outside terminals, which inevitably lead to slippery floors inside terminals. It can also make travel difficult for the people and vehicles on the tarmac in addition to making things more difficult for pilots. In other words, when the weather is bad, airport safety challenges grow exponentially. 


    The cleanliness of airports is sometimes overlooked or taken for granted, but it’s actually a big deal for the health and safety of everyone there. Keep in mind that airport terminals are a confined space that tends to get crowded. Germs and diseases can spread quickly among passengers and staff inside airport terminals, making hygiene of critical importance. Airports need to make sure that soap and hand sanitizer dispensers are fully stocked, allowing everyone to wash their hands. Likewise, surfaces like handrails need to be cleaned frequently to help reduce the threat of germs spreading and making a large group of people sick. 

    Traveler Tips 

    The good news is that most airports have safety and security officers who are tasked with looking out for everyone and preparing for most safety challenges. However, with countless people entering and exiting airports every day, they also have a role to play in airport safety. There are several things that travelers can do to help ensure their own safety and the safety of others, not to mention make things a little easier for the airport employees who are looking out for everyone’s safety. 

    Take Pictures of Your Fellow Travelers 

    If you’re traveling with your family or friends, take pictures of everyone right before leaving for the airport. If someone goes missing or gets lost, especially if it’s a child, you’ll want a recent picture on your phone to show airport security. This is obviously a worst-case scenario, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared. 

    Give Yourself Plenty of Time 

    The last thing anyone wants to do at an airport is feel rushed. People in a rush at airports are more likely to act irrationally, which can put others in a vulnerable position. That could simply mean knocking over someone else on accident while running to your gate. To prevent this, plan to arrive at the airport early and understand that it’ll take time to pass through airport security. It’s also important to show patience, especially with airport staff members who are doing their best. There are worse things than sitting in an airport terminal with nothing to do for a couple of hours. That scenario is certainly better than feeling stressed because you’re running late, so always plan ahead and give yourself time to get where you need to go. 

    Don’t Wander Aimlessly 

    Even when travelers have a lot of time to kill inside an airport terminal, it’s best not to walk around without a destination in mind. You may not look suspicious, but you could be getting in the way of other travelers or staff who need to get somewhere in the terminal quickly. Along those same lines, try looking at a map of any airport terminal where you’re going to be while traveling. This will allow you to know where bathrooms, restaurants, and any other amenities you may need are located ahead of time. That way, you won’t be walking aimlessly or walking while distracted because you don’t know where things are located and you don’t know where you’re going. This is part of the reason why signage in airports is key to safety. 


    Stay Alert 

    For the most part, airport security does a great job of keeping nefarious characters and suspicious objects out of airport terminals. But that doesn’t mean travelers shouldn’t stay alert and aware of their surroundings. The chances of something serious happening are slim. However, it’s still best to keep your eyes peeled. After all, you always want to keep an eye on your luggage, as well as any small children traveling with you. That doesn’t mean doing the job of a security guard but try not to get so distracted by your phone that you become oblivious to everything around you. 

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    Tag(s): Aviation Safety