You put your team’s safety above all other concerns. The problem is, you can’t be in ten places at once, and you’ve only got one set of eyes.
If you want to keep your team safe, you need a tool that will bridge the gap. Safety software is just the tool for the job, allowing you to record, manage, and analyze safety data more efficiently.
But with the finance department breathing down your neck about your budget, you may well be tempted to take the cheap way out and spring for free safety software. After all, it’s free, it’s easy, and it gets the job done, right?
Free safety software can actually harm your team more than help. Here are three reasons why free isn’t better.
1. Poor Functionality
One of the biggest issues with free safety software is functionality. If your software can’t fulfill the functions you need, it isn’t the right software for the job. The problem is that many software that look good on paper don’t perform in real-time – especially if they’re free.
It may solve the initial problem (needing a solution ASAP), but because it’s free and open-source, anyone can change it at any time – in some cases without telling you. Even if there aren’t any changes, there’s a good chance that the software just won’t do everything you need. In the end, it’s smarter to just invest in software that comes with the right functionality from the start.
2. Limited Reporting
One facet of the functionality problem is safety reporting.
Free software can almost never stand up to the reporting functionality of paid programs. There’s a reason for that.
While software may be free to use, it isn’t free to build. Even the most basic software takes hours to build properly, and no one in their right mind will give you extensive reporting functionality for free. Why would they? It’s several hours of dedicated work that they won’t get paid for.
Instead of getting the full-scope reporting you actually need, you’re stuck with a worm’s eye view of your data. It doesn’t dive into your information and make helpful conclusions. Which means you’re right back where you started.
3. Lacking a Range of Safety Modules
Many free programs also lack a range of safety modules that you would find in a paid program.
And sure, you tell yourself, you don’t need those right now. Here’s the problem.
If you’re truly dedicated to building a strong safety culture, it cannot be limited to management. You have to empower your employees to take an active role in creating a safer workplace. And to do that, you need to train them in proper safety practices.
A workplace safety trainer helps, but if you want to improve employee competency, the right safety modules are an easy way to make sure everyone’s on the same page. You can easily distribute tasks to everyone, employees can work from anywhere, and you can track which employees have completed them.
Modules like that take time to create. A free software might have a few, but if you want your employees truly prepared, you’ll need detailed, in-depth safety modules that free software simply can’t provide.
Don’t Settle for Free Safety Software
When it comes to your worker safety, you can’t afford to settle for anything less than the best. Don’t settle for free safety software.
Leading companies invest in software solutions, like EHS Insight. Want to find out how EHS Insight software can strengthen your safety program? Check out our pricing or sign-up for a trial.

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