Release Notes

EHS Insight 20.2 Release Notes

See what's new in EHS Insight 20.2.

Check out the latest software updates in EHS Insight 20.2

New Features


Audit Inspection – Originate Submit (& Roles Rework)


  • Users have requested more options around what happens after users create Audits
  • Audits used a different pattern for permissions (like not having an Administration role)


  • Allow users to be able to Submit Audits without being able to see coworkers Audits
  • Keep the ability to lock down Audits after submission via individual Audit Approver roles
  • Allow a site to operation with no “Shared Submit” role (Requires an Administrator)

New Site Setting - Originate Submit

  • New Role - Originator
  • Users in this role are granted access to forms they submit
    • It is possible to have Audit & Inspection - Access along side this role. This would allow the user have access to every form they create as well as all forms in a Business Entity.

New Site Setting - Shared Submit

  • Defaults on for existing Customers
  • This is how the site currently operates

When Shared Submit is Disabled

  • Submitters lose the option to edit Audits after Submission
  • New Role - Administrator Role is Added

New Site Setting - Shared Task

  • Users in the Submit role will receive a task for any form waiting in the Submit step


Incident/Quality Event – Investigation Access


  • Users requested the ability to allow managers to be able to see Investigations
    • Without being able to edit them
    • Without being assigned the task


  • Users with the new roles will have access to the Investigation Tab whenever the regular Investigator would
  • Without being able to edit them
  • This feature pushes us up to 209 roles for Incident Event 

New Site Settings

  • Incident Event - Investigation - Access Role
  • Quality Event - Investigation - Access Role

New Roles

  • Incident Event - Investigation - Access
    • +6 more for the Split Consequence Investigation options
  • Quality Event - Investigation - Access

Quality Event – Failure Type - Hide From New

  • Quality Event Failure Type and Failure Group lists now have a “Hide From New Forms” option
    • Failure Group
    • Failure Type (Customer Service)
    • Failure Type (Maintenance)
    • Failure Type (Product)
    • Failure Type (Service)
    • Failure Type (Training)
    • Failure Type (Vendor)

Release Notes

  • MARCOM Updates
    • Ladder Safety (ES)
    • Ladder Safety in Construction Environments (ES)
  • API now includes InstanceRecurringTaskSchedule
    • Using InstanceRecurringTaskSchedule makes it possible to export or import and link up Compliance Task or Objective (Plan) forms with their action forms, or already completed Audit & Inspection, Industrial Hygiene, Safety Meeting, and Safety Drill forms.


We're Here to Help

With updates as often as every two weeks, we're here to make sure you have the best experience using EHS Insight. Take this latest version for a spin and reach out to our support team if you have any questions, comments, or new feature suggestions. We're at

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