Environmental, Health and Safety News, Resources & Best Practices

EHS Insight 20.1 Release Notes

Written by EHS Insight Product Team | February 10, 2020 at 5:58 PM

Check out the latest software updates in EHS Insight 20.1

New Features

Compliance Task - Assign to Multiple Business Entities

  • New: Compliance Tasks added support for assigning the same action to multiple Business Entities and/or multiple people across multiple Business Entities.

  • Assign to a Single Person
    • Use to make a single person responsible for completing an action

  • Assign to a Single Business Entity
    • Use to make an action that one person with a given role must complete

  • Assign to Multiple Business Entities
    • This requires an action to be completed by people with a given role for a selected list of Business Entities.
    • Has option to only assign the action to child Business Entities

  • Assign to Everyone in a Role across Multiple Business Entities
    • This requires an action to be completed by all people with a given role that are assigned to a selected list of Business Entities.

Compliance Task - Recurrence Patterns

  • Improved controls for “Recur every…”
  • Added Time Zones
  • Added “Day(s) of Week Scheduling”
  • Improved “Range Of Recurrence” control
  • Dropped “Recur After Count/Never options”
  • Also changed on Objective/Objective Plan

Compliance Task - Task Statuses

  • Compliance Task reports have been updated to standardize terminology related to completion, overdue, and missing statuses.

    • Completed On Time - Action completed on or before Due Date
    • Completed Late - Action completed after Due Date
    • Scheduled - Action before Due Date
    • Overdue - Action not completed after Due Date, can still be completed
    • Missed - Action not completed after Due Date, can no longer be completed (form is in ‘Can not be completed late’ mode)

Compliance Task - Roles

  • New: Compliance Tasks now supports splitting workflow into separate submit/edit and delete roles.

  • This separates the ability to edit Compliance Tasks from the ability to delete Compliance Tasks.

Audits and Inspections

  • New: Audits and Inspections now displays the reason why a section is empty when all its questions are hidden.

  • New: Dashboard Quick Links panel now supports language targeting for 'Add Audit and Inspection' link types that are filtered by the user's language setting.

Save Conflict Error Messages

  • New: Form conflicts on save and offline sync now have more informative error messages.
    • When saving a form or performing an offline sync that cannot proceed because another user has already saved changes we now give a more clear message about what has happened and what we expect the user to do.
  • Previously: “The record could not be saved due to a change conflict. Another user updated the record while you were editing it.”
  • Now: “An error occurred while saving. The record could not be saved due to a change conflict.  Another user updated the record while you were editing it. We recommend opening the current version of FORMNUMBER in a new browser window, opening the record from your outbox, transferring your changes to the current version of the form, saving, then discarding the conflicted version in your outbox.”

We're Here to Help

With updates as often as every two weeks, we're here to make sure you have the best experience using EHS Insight. Take this latest version for a spin and reach out to our support team if you have any questions, comments, or new feature suggestions. We're at support@ehsinsight.com.