We're pleased to present EHS Insight 19.15.
New Features
Compliance Task Scheduling
- Compliance Tasks will now allow editing due dates and recurring schedules on existing tasks, but will warn when changes may result in reporting issues.

Work Observation - New Observer Field
- In addition to showing Safe Behavior or Condition and Unsafe Behavior or Condition, the Observer field setting now shows new Observation Types, including Safety Violation, Great Catch, and Management Site Visit.
Question Set/Role Designer - 'Hidden From View'
- The Question Set and Role Designer now shows 'Hidden From New' items in strike-through similar to List Data views.
We're Here to Help
With updates as often as every two weeks, we're here to make sure you have the best experience using EHS Insight. Take this latest version for a spin and reach out to our support team if you have any questions, comments, or new feature suggestions. We're at support@ehsinsight.com.